June 19 2010
It was not just another toastmaster's meeting for our club but quite a special one. The next term committee were officially initiated by the Area Governor Sarvanan who was kind enough to come and conduct the ceremony. The committee was excited to take up the new agenda and arrived at a host of action points to ensure our club stands out. Many members managed to attend in spite of short notice.
Following were discussed in the meeting and I personally suggest the following to each member of the club.
- Take TM meetings seriously and as a vehicle for transformation - I have myself noticed many changes in me and others in the club. We learn from everything that we do in a TM meeting, not only from speeches and evaluations.
- Coming in every meeting - It is important to come to all the meetings, treasures of learning are not be missed even once. However in case you have to miss, please inform your absence in advance.
- Coming in time, rather 15 minutes early - It is important that we should be eager to come to meeting ahead of time, and be willing to take up roles without notice if required. This will show up in our growth.
- Plan your roles in advance - All members to plan their respective roles at least 3 months in advance. VP Education, will circulate the sheet in which you can fill up your roles in advance and monitor. This will help yourself and the club as well.
- Bringing the CL/CC/ AC Manuals to every meeting - This will keep your records updated and keep you aware of your progress.
- Update your all information on the website and put a blog on your experience / suggestions of the last meeting or TM in general. This will help many newcomers to learn faster.
Please feel free to ask any questions if you have, wish the above suggestions of the club committee will be sincerely followed by all members.